
Lies My Doctor Told Me: Medical Myths That Can Harm Your Health – Ken D. Berry, MD
I just love Dr Ken Berry. If you want to hear more of his no-nonsense approach to health and nutrition, check out our interview here
Dr Berry’s book, “Lies My Dr Told Me Second Edition: Medical Myths that Can Harm Your Health”, is full of typical Dr Berry humour, while he dispels myths that many of us believe. I certainly learned a few things from this book.

The P:E Diet by Dr Ted Naiman, MD and William Shewfelt
Dr Ted Naiman and I share a similar philosophy to nutrition. We both believe we should be focusing on our protein intakes and varying the energy we get from fats and carbs according to our individual goals and health conditions. Check out our great interview here.
Dr Naiman’s great book explains the protein to energy ratio really well. Highly recommended.

Why We Get Sick – The Hidden Epidemic at the Root Cause of Chronic Disease – and What to do About It – Dr Ben Bickman, PhD
Dr Ben Bikman is one of the best. I was thrilled to interview him and listen to his many pearls of wisdom. Dr Ben is an Associate Professor at BYU where he runs a laboratory that investigates the causes of metabolic disorders. Visit
His soon to be released book “Why We Get Sick – The Hidden Epidemic at the Root Cause of Chronic Disease – and What to do About It, can be pre-ordered here.

Diabetes Unpacked
Highly Recommended: This book is a compilation of chapters by some of the best minds working in the field of diabetes and diet. This book approaches diabetes from many different angles and each provides great insight as to why diabetes does not need to be “chronic and progessive” as we are so often told.

Nutrition in Crisis: Flawed Studies, Misleading Advice, and the Real Science of Human Metabolism. By Dr Richard Feinman
Dr Feinman is a biochemist who explains human nutrition is easy to understand terms. This is a great book for professionals who are beginning to investigate how food really works in our body’s as well as “citizen scientists” who are delving deep into human nutrition.

“Eat Rich and Live Long” Dr Jeffry Gerber and Ivor Cummins
This is a collaborative work between the well known “Denver’s Diet Dr” and the “Fat Emperor” Ivor Cummins. Ivor is a top-class systems engineer who following a personal health scare became involved in researching cholesterol and heart disease. His contribution to this field is widely respected and has been instrumental in changing how Dr’s around the world are looking at and managing cholesterol. At least the good ones!. Dr Geber who is a family physician has a passion for nutrition research with a particular interest in how nutrition contributes to diabetes. Well worth the investment to gain and understanding of why what we eat is so important.

“Lore of Nutrition: Challenging conventional dietary beliefs” by Professor Tim Noakes
I initially had a love-hate relationship with Professor Noakes. He was considered the “Guru” when I was studying exercise and nutrition. He wrote the bible on endurance running – except I felt very disappointed in his dietary advice, as this was outdated. I should never have worried. The Professor is one of those rare individuals who is able to tell the world, “I got it wrong”. He has worked tirelessly to correct the record since then. I am now very proud to be certified in Clinical Practice with the Nutrition Network established by the Professor and to continue to learn from him and support his work.

Muscle-Centric Meals – by Beth Lipton
Delicious protein meals to optimise your health and well-being. Download by clicking here.

Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration – Dr Chris A. Knobbe, MD
Could a simple, all-natural, whole-foods diet – the same diet of our 19th century and previous ancestors – both prevent and treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD)? According to the hypothesis and supportive research of author, Chris A. Knobbe, MD, the answer is a resounding yes.

The Alzheimer’s Antidote – Amy Berger
Alzheimer’s disease, is commonly called type-3 diabetes, due to the association of metabolic disorders (poor glucose and insulin control) with this disease. Both these authors are well-known authorities on the cause and prevention of Alzheimer’s and provide great information on how to protect yourself as much as possible from this growing epidemic.

The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline – Dr Dale Bredesen

Fat and Cholesterol Don’t Cause Heart Attacks and Statins are not the Solution – Dr Malcom Kendrick and Uffe Ravnskov
This is a brilliant book but a bit more technical. Highly recommended for those who want to really delve into the science.

The Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It. – Dr Malcom Kendrick
Highly recommended.
Cholesterol has long been a controversial subject. There continues to be a raging debate as to whether we should worry about it or not, whether it causes heart disease and how to manage elevated levels. There are many great books discussing this topic, these are some written by well established experts in the field, they provide a balanced view and I think are well worth reading.

A Statin Nation: Dr Malcolm Kendrick
If you have been told that you must take statins or risk a devastating heart attack or stroke, you need to read this book. Dr Kendrick, a well-known statin sceptic and author of the bestselling The Great Cholesterol Con, has returned to the diet-heart-cholesterol battlefield to warn that people are being conned.

Strength Training for Fat Loss
No fads, gimmicks, or miracle claims. Just science-based programming, sensible strategies, and the results you desire. Nick Tumminello, renowned trainer and innovator in the field of human performance, explains how to use the 3 Cs of metabolic strength training—circuits, combinations, and complexes—to accelerate your metabolism, maximize fat loss, and maintain muscle.

Building Muscle for Performance and Speed
Building Muscle for Performance and Speed: Every weekend warrior has two goals: compete successfully and look great doing it. Enter Building Muscle and Performance: A Program for Size, Strength & Speed by expert trainer Nick Tumminello.

Your Workout Perfected
Every workout is intended to do one thing: maximize results. Whether that result is fitness, function and performance, fat loss, or physique improvements, you want your efforts to pay off. What if you had the opportunity to have the NSCA Personal Trainer of the Year observe your workout and show you how you could make it better? Now you do have access to that expertise, with Your Workout PERFECTED.
Fit to eat – Dr Millie Osborne
Dr Millie Osborne has been helping people for more than 30 years as physician and holistic psychiatrist. Fit to Eat: How the food industry is making us sick. Dr Osborne’s latest book tracks how the food industry uses propaganda and marketing tools, to convince us to eat highly processed foods that are destroying our health. She then takes us on a journey of discovery to learn the best way to eat to restore our health, energy and vitality.
Busting Diabetes – Dr David Cavan
Dr David Cavan specialises in the management of diabetes. He has spent most of his career writing and educating about diabetes. He has excellent credentials, having worked as a consultant physician for the Bournemouth Diabetes and Endocrine Center for 20 years. In 2013 he moved to Brussel where he worked for 3 years as the Director of Policy and programmes at the International Diabetes Federation. In 2017 he became closely involved in the very successful Diabetes Reversal programme in Bermuda. His latest book is “Busting the Diabetes Myth – The Natural Way to Reverse Diabetes” is well worth the read for anyone wanting to learn more about managing this life-destroying disease.
Eat Well, Die Slowly – Dr Estrelita van Rensburg and Issy Warrack
This is one of my favourite books on the topic of nutrition. The complex science connecting nutrition and health is explained very simply, telling the story of how the food we eat affects our health. This is an excellent read for anyone starting out on their nutrition journey or wanting to update their knowledge of metabolic processes. The book is accompanied by a cookbook, “Eat Your Way to Health – Recipes for Success”.
I highly recommend both these books and I use these in my nutrition and functional medicine practice.
Laban Ditchburn – Bet on You
Although not a book on nutrition, Laban’s story is inspirational and reassures us that we too can turn our lives around, with the right mindset and self-care. This is an excellent read, highly entertaining while it shares some great life lessons.
Revisiting the Global Overfat Pandemic
The previously described overfat pandemic, estimated to be 62–76% worldwide, is
comprised of individuals with excess body fat sufficient to impair health. The overfat
condition is common in those who are overweight and obese, and can also occur in
significant numbers of normal-weight non-obese individuals.
Dr Phil Maffetone
Dr Phil Maffetone has been a huge influence in both nutrition and exercise Dr Maffetone is an internationally recognised researcher, educator and author in the field of exercise, nutrition sports medicine and biofeedback. He has published over 200 papers and is the author of 20 books. He travels and lectures extensively on these topics. He is widely recognised for his success in working with athletes, from multiple disciplines and has coached many professional athletes at the highest levels of sport.
The Widowmaker
This feature film “The Widowmaker” was commissioned by the Irish Heart Disease Awareness Foundation, funded by Ireland entrepreneur and philanthropist David Bobbett.
Heart disease is the world’s biggest killer, but it doesn’t have to be this way. In NZ we have one fatal heart attack every 90 minutes a New Zealander dies from a fatal heart attack. Check out this film to find out more about the “heart disease industry” and some steps you can take to look after your health. Please share this with your family and friends.
Fat Chance
Carl was always and ate what he considered to be healthy food. Still, he was carrying 7-9 kilos of extra weight and did not feel great. He didn’t understand why. One day his daughter told him he should try a low-carb diet. He thought he had nothing to lose by having a go.
Tune in to learn how this pie-making champion went full on low carb and how it changed his life.
Food Lies – Brian Sanders
The sordid history of our dietary guidelines, what we should be eating, and how to do it sustainably.
Full film details and merchandise can be found here.
Dr. David Klurfeld on Meat NOT Causing Cancer, Bogus Vegetarian Scientists, and Balanced Nutrition – Interviewed by Brian Sanders

Part 24 – Dr. David Klurfeld on Meat NOT Causing Cancer, Bogus Vegetarian Scientists, and Balanced Nutrition – Peak Human – Unbiased Nutrition Info for Optimum Health, Fitness & Living
“Is red meat really that bad, or could it play a role in sustainability?”
– Dr Peter Ballerstedt
In this talk, Dr Ballerstedt debunks many myths about ruminants and explains how they can be part of the solution.
The Story of Meat: Regenerative Agriculture Documentary
This is part-1 of a 4-part documentary series explores the powerful change in agriculture championed by forward-thinking producers. I really enjoyed this and it opened my eyes to some of the challenges and questions we face about looking after our precious planet, animal welfare and human health. I think it is well worth watching and I hope you enjoy it.
Cereal Killers 2: Run on Fat
View the trailer below and watch on-demand.
CEREAL KILLERS 2: RUN ON FAT (2015) from Prime Movement on Vimeo.
Big Fat Nutrition Policy with Nina Teicholz
Listen as science researcher and author of the bestselling The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet discusses how the dietary guidelines came about, and why they have contributed to a world-wide pandemic of obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases.
Visit to read reviews and purchase Nina’s superb book.
Statin Nation – The Documentary
Visit Dr Malcom Kendrick’s website for more details.
Visit to read book reviews and purchase.
Visit to read film reviews and purchase.
In this presentation Associate Professor Emeritus Dr Chris Knobbe, provides an excellent history of how the introduction of the supposedly heart healthy vegetable oils we have been encouraged to eat, parallel with the obesity epidemic along with increases in all chronic diseases; diabetes. heart disease, cancer and his specialty macular degeneration.