The War On Fat

For almost 30-years I have been on an incredible journey of education and discovery about fat – all because a friend couldn’t lose weight and I wanted to know why. What I have learned has taught me enormous respect for…
For almost 30-years I have been on an incredible journey of education and discovery about fat – all because a friend couldn’t lose weight and I wanted to know why. What I have learned has taught me enormous respect for…
Recently, the media reported how doctors in Gisborne have been using a ‘real food’ diet to improve the health of patients with Type II diabetes and high cardiovascular risk. It was a high-carb, low-fat diet that eliminated red meat and…
Many people are concerned about their weight. Oftentimes, weight issues are present with other health problems such as fatigue, brain fog/poor concentration, digestive problems and hormonal issues. Many people have lost and regained the same 5-10kg over and over again. They…
THE RIGHT DIET FOR YOU IS ONE THAT MAKES YOU FEEL WELL. There is so much information about what we should eat that it is very confusing. Do we eat low or high carb? What about fat, is it good…