Living well with fibromyalgia

The beginning of a new year is an opportunity to reflect back on our lives, assess what is important and to think about how we want the future to look. Looking back on 2016 feels good. It was a year…
I have just caught an advert on the television for a children’s multi-vitamin that caused me to pause, think for a few moments and then look up the ingredients. This is a topic I have been turning a blind eye…
Exercise can be a wonderful tool – helping you to feel great. Or it can be a drag, requiring endless will power and determination to keep going. To help you understand what exercise is doing for you right now, go…
Many people suffer from brain fog. You’ve probably experienced it before, you wake feeling un-refreshed and like you’re sleep walking through the day. You might find yourself forgetting things or you have short-term memory and concentration problems. This goes hand in hand…
Many people are concerned about their weight. Oftentimes, weight issues are present with other health problems such as fatigue, brain fog/poor concentration, digestive problems and hormonal issues. Many people have lost and regained the same 5-10kg over and over again. They…
Good health is reflected in how much energy we have. When we have high-energy life feels easy, when our energy is low, everything becomes a struggle. The question is how do we improve our energy? Health is a combination of…
THE RIGHT DIET FOR YOU IS ONE THAT MAKES YOU FEEL WELL. There is so much information about what we should eat that it is very confusing. Do we eat low or high carb? What about fat, is it good…